
09:00 registration and coffee

09:45 welcome speech

10:00 keynote by Dan Roth

11:00 paper session

11:20 coffee break

11:40 paper session

13:00 lunch

14:00 paper session

15:30 coffee break

15:50 paper session

17:00 poster session and drinks

19:00 dinner

List of posters

1. Michiel Stock, Willem Waegeman and Bernard De Baets:

Learning Relations: Pitfalls and Applications

2. Tom Claassen and Tom Heskes:

A Bayesian Approach to Constraint Based Causal Inference

3. Benoît Frénay, Gauthier Doquire and Michel Verleysen:

Mutual Information: an Adequate Tool for Feature Selection

4. Thomas Fannes, Elien Vandermarliere, Leander Schietgat, Lennart Martens and Jan Ramon:

Predicting trypsin cleavage sites based on sequence information using decision tree ensembles

5. Alberto Baggio, Ugo Vespier and Arno Knobbe:

Data-Adaptive Approximation Selection for Large Time-Series Visualization

6. Rob Konijn and Arno Knobbe:

Detecting Excessive Claim Behavior in Medical Insurance Claims

7. Golnoosh Farnadi, Susana Zoghbi, Marie-Francine Moens and Martine De Cock:

How well do your Facebook status updates express your personality?

8. Umut Güçlü and Marcel van Gerven:

Unsupervised Learning of Features for Bayesian Decoding in Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging

9. Wouter Duivesteijn and Arno Knobbe:

Exceptional Model Mining — Describing Deviations in Datasets

10. Evgeni Tsivtsivadze, Eveline Lommen, Roy Montijn and Jos van der Vossen:

Semi-supervised Multi-view Gaussian Processes for Microbial Growth Prediction

11. Zhemin Zhu, Djoerd Hiemstra, Peter Apers and Andreas Wombacher:

Empirical Training For Conditional Random Fields

12. Sicco van Sas and Maarten Marx:

Multi-label text classification using parsimonious language models

13. Hilbert J Kappen, Vicenç Gómez and Manfred Opper:

Multiagent Control as a Graphical Model Inference Problem

14. Vincent Van Asch and Walter Daelemans:

An analytical approach to similarity measure selection for selftraining

15. Palupi Kusuma, Dejan Radosavljevik, Frank Takes and Peter van der Putten:

Combining Customer Attribute and Social Network Mining for Prepaid Mobile Churn Prediction

16. Sicco Verwer, Qing Chuan Ye and Yingqian Zhang:

White-box optimization from historical data

17. Daniel Kuehlwein, Jasmin Christian Blanchette, Josef Urban and Cezary Kaliszyk:

MaSh: Machine Learning for Sledgehammer

18. Sultan Imangaliyev, Evgeni Tsivtsivadze, Wim Crielaard and Bart Keijser:

Efficient Feature Selection via Online Co-regularized Algorithm

19. Shengfa Miao and Arno Knobbe:

Traffic Events Identication with a Sensor Network on a Dutch Highway Bridge

20. Antoine Adam and Hendrik Blockeel:

A query language for constraint-based clustering

21. Peter Bloem:

Compression-based inference on graph data